Groundbreaking Commences on Phase II Expansion

MEADVILLE, PA – The first construction vehicles appeared onsite July 23rd and began work on the new Phase II Expansion for Acutec Precision Aerospace. The new 13,000 square foot structure will be used for storing finished goods, inventory, and shipping.

“With summer in full swing, it’s a great time for construction to begin,” said Nick Ozorak, Digital Media Specialist for Acutec. “This new structure enables us to use some of our current floor space for other manufacturing purposes.”

Meanwhile, work continues inside the Crawford Business Park on renovating the 70,000 square foot Phase III Expansion. Both expansions are the result of a growth within the aerospace industry and a $250,000 Pennsylvania First grant provided by the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and the office of Governor Tom Wolf.

“We are pleased to be working alongside Acutec to help them expand at our Crawford Business Park,” said Jim Becker, Executive Director, Economic Progress Alliance of Crawford County. “They are an impressive company that is undergoing rapid growth and it was essential that we were able to accommodate their facility needs and aide with bringing the Governor’s Action Team to the table to assure that they stayed in Crawford County for years to come.”

Both projects are estimated to be completed by the end of 2018.


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